Monday 15 April 2013

Day Two

We started our day today at 8am, with a quick walk to the metro where we made our way to The Louvre. During our journey on the train Mr Bylund experienced first hand the work of pick pockets with his wallet being taken, emptied and thrown to the ground. Luck only the cash was taken! We then got off the metro and made our way to the Mona Lisa and seen many more famous paintings and sculptures. After The Louvre we then walked to the Notre Dame stopping at a cafe on the way which was across the road from a famous bridge which is covered with padlocks from couples that write their names on the lock then attach to the bridge then throw the key away. Saying goodbye to Francois we entered the Church and it was breathtaking, we easily spent over an hour looking at all the paintings and the leadlight windows we then stopped for lunch. During this time Matthew and Tahlia both managed to walk into a pole each at the exact same time! Lunch was interesting as we didn't realise the French eat their meat blue. After our raw meat burgers we went to The Pantheon and shopping at Champs Élysées where Rod, Wayne and Fraser tried to fit in with the French culture and brought themselves a beret. We ended our big afternoon with dinner at a pizza/pasta shop where we were all occupied with Kate's joke.... "What do you get if you eat too much pizza? A Pizzeria!" Once we were very full from our delicious meal it was time to climb the Eiffel Tower. Getting there 15 minutes early Mr Croft tells us that we have to wait 15 minutes but we are in the right location and Matthew smartly comments with "oh I thought we had the wrong tower". After the elevator ride, we found out nearly half  of the group were scared of heights, Mr Washbourne and Harrison in particular. Once getting to the very top we were all eager to look around and take heaps of photos when Tahlia decided to see if her head would fit through the safety fence that covered the tower......she succeeded. On the way back down we got to experience the Eiffel Tower light up once the sun went down, it was magnificent! Once we walked down what felt like a million stairs we made our way back to the metro and headed to the hotel. Finishing our day at 10:30 (us at 11) we are all tired and ready for bed. Excited about what tomorrow will bring.

By Kyah and Tahlia

For more pictures of the tour please visit Mr Bylund's photo blog at

1 comment:

  1. Looking good! Sounds like you are all having a ball.
